Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Dream Vacation

My dream vacation needs to be a place where a beach is located nearby. I think that looking at the sunset next to the beach is something unforgetable. I have great desires of going to some type of HUGE amusement park and riding some HUGE rollercoaster that makes me feel an indescribable sensation in my stomach. Doesn't that sound awesome? More things on my list would be riding a dolphin, parchuting, surfing, or anything extreme! What better dream vacation than that? So now the question to the gifted kids is, What is your dream vacation? :)

Favorite Memory So Far

My favorite memory so far would be probably be when I was 8 years old on Halloween. One of my neighbor's halloween traditions would be dressing up and start chasing any kid that goes trick-or-treating to her house. Very curious I was to find out if it was actually true, my cousin and I decided to test her out! So we went to her house(also the last house we went to), knocked on the door. Her daughter opened the door but told us to wait a minute. We both thought at that moment it was all lies and rumors but suddenly the lady appeared on the door and put the candy in our buckets. Right at the moment the candy dropped in the bucket, we turned around and started running. The lady started running after us. We tried to run as fast as we could, as well as she did. She chased us around the whole block and my cousin was really scared he dropped his candy without realizing it. We ran into my house and locked the doors, but started laughing at the whole situation because we new it was a all a joke, yet we were somehow scared. My cousin said he didn't even care about the candy anymore, yet the next morning he was outside looking for it. That is a once in a lifetime experience in my opinion, which makes it my best memory so far.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What I look for in friends?

Friends...a friend is someone who you can tell your problems to, but yet you can listen to their problems. A friend doesn't care how embarrassing you are when you are in public. A friend is not a friend just because you're "cool" or because you're popular, because if you base your friendships on popularity, at the end, you will end up with nothing, and you can discover who are your REAL friends!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Semester Goals

I'm shooting to get all A's this semester, yet I find it difficult at the moment because I am struggling with Chemistry. I believe the most reasonable option for me to succeed in that subject is tutoring. Also finding a job is on the top of my priorities this semester. Maybe with the money I earn, I could buy a better car than the one I have at the moment. That is all I can think of right now so Bye! :)